As I change up the objects on the shelves and placement of furniture and cushions in this room every month or so, so I thought I'd freeze time for a moment and capture our family room before it changes again. Winter 2021 has us in this room non-stop. Family game nights and homework time are more and more on the living room rug than at the dining room table, which I think is influenced by proximity to the gas fireplace and coziness of carpet over hard chairs.

We've been slowly watching the Marvel Universe movies with our kids, one hour at a time every weekend and it's been such a fun pastime together. Next up is the first Avengers or the third Thor, we haven't decided yet. I'll always love Tom Holland as Spiderman more than any other hero in the Marvel world, anyone else!? This room has seen so many comfy nights with us five piled on the sectional or huddled around a bored game on the floor. To save room I've always opted for a small side table instead of a coffee table and this little guy from
Prunelle feels just right. Just enough space for a candle and a cuppa. What else could I need?
Because our home is small and houses five people, I keep decorations on the minimal side. I feel that having less visual clutter helps me when the real life clutter of books and backpacks and toys and growing bodies are filling our space. Right now, that looks like a DIY painted vase with dried pampas grass, a thrifted statue, homemade art, and my favourite
Alabaster Bible books (each magazine is a book of the Bible featuring stunning photography in a minimalist style).
On the top shelf I have a new vase, recently purchased from a local florist and home to an origami creation made by my son. You can't really see what that tiny dish is, but it's a tea dish (for used tea bags) commemorating the Queen's silver jubilee. What can I say, I'm a sucker for Royal's memorabilia. The round mirror was a thrifted find for a few dollars.

The TV, a gift from our brother Rob, sits on a locker completely full of board games. I don't know if we can welcome one more into our home without giving one away in return as we have completely used up our storage space. The basket below the locker holds some Lincoln Logs, which are still entertaining from time to time with 7-10 year old's. We got them as a gift from my sister when Oli was one or two and have used them ever since. I say this a lot, but it's worth repeating - buy your kids simple, lasting toys instead of gimmicks or trendy ones and you'll never be sorry. You'll own less, see them use and enjoy the same toys for years, and produce far less waste. OK I'll get off my soapbox now :)
Thanks for indulging me with this little room tour. I've recently met many like-minded small space dwellers thanks to our
Home Tour on
600 Sq Ft, and can personally attest to how helpful it is seeing how precisely other families make it work in a small space. If this helps anyone, great! But it's also for me as I want to remember this home and this stage forever.
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