My name is Tabitha Osler and I am the
designer and director behind Faire Child, a new sustainable children’s
outerwear company. My husband’s name is Nic and together we have Charli who, at
2.5 years old is a very adventurous and curious little creature. We live close
to the ocean in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Starting a new business has been a lot
like having another child but I am very passionate about making positive change
in the Fashion Industry and leaving Charli with a better world to live in. I
really see it as a privilege to be able to work for myself and be doing
something that I believe in.

These days Charli is our alarm clock and we
get up when she does, usually between 6-7. Charli’s outfits are a morning
highlight. She chooses her own clothes and I would describe her style as Make Believe. She is always dressing as
a prince or princess – pure royalty, every day. Today she put on a blue striped
‘nightie’ – that’s what she calls all
dresses – with a sage Stella McCartney tutu accessorized with oversized blue
sunglasses. Needless to say, she is a pretty independent dresser and only
really needs help putting on her shoes.

We bike to work and school once the weather
allows. Charli rides in her Yepp seat and has her only little bell to ring. We
all bike together to drop Charli off at her daycare to see her sweet petits amies. Her school subscribes to the Emilio Reggio
educational philosophy. I love how they provide a great environment for her to
play and do her work. Everything is at her height, things like sinks and tables
are low. This accessibility allows her to play care free and I think it is very
empowering for her to feel in control of her space.

After we have dropped Charli off, Nic and I
bike to the Halifax ferry terminal and take it across the Halifax Harbour over
to Dartmouth. The morning bike ride and ferry commute is my time. Being a mom
and a new business owner means I don’t have much down time and this time in my
morning schedule is precious. Nic and I work in the same building which has been
incredible because we actually get to see each other and eat lunch together.
It’s like a little mini date and it’s transformed our relationship since having
When I get to my studio office I am greeted
by Beth and Alissa who help me with the ever- increasing responsibilities with
Faire Child. It’s so great that they are there when I arrive and we can jump
right into the work. Beth also has a
toddler and it’s a relief to be in the same boat as someone else. It helps me
feel understand and it’s great that we can relate to each other in that way.

My approach is to work as efficiently and as
quickly as I can. There is always too much to do and my hours are numbered. This
is such a huge contrast from before I had Charli when I could work for hours on
end and not worry about not having enough time to do it all. I cherish my time
with Charli and try to maximize it by keeping regular work hours.
My average day usually involves a trip to
Climate Technical Gear to manage production, do quality control and pick up
stock. It’s so great to have our product made locally - it’s a 10-minute drive
away and I love that. There is a minutia of detail in production that can
easily be lost in translation. Being able to have face to face conversations
makes a world of difference. My production team at CTG shares Faire Child’s values
of creating eco-friendly products and they are passionate about improving their
own system to reduce waste.

Nic and I head home around 4pm to pick up
Charli from school. When we get home Nic starts preparing dinner. He worked for
8 years as a chef and he makes the best food. During this time Charli and I
have a snuggle and she has some milk. This is such an important time for us to
reconnect after a day apart. We all eat dinner together and often read books
together at the table. Charli likes to play with her food and most of her
dinner ends up in her water glass and then she eats it with a spoon. Kids!

After dinner is family time. We have dance
parties, listen to Peter and the Wolf, do some yoga or just play with toys.
Charli’s favourite thing to play with lately is this natural play dough made of
corn starch that we picked up at the farmer’s market. Sometimes we transition
from play time to bed time with a bath. Charli adores water and pretends she a
mermaid swimming around. She could spend all day in the bath is we let her.

Then we get Charli in her nighttime nightie
– because there are daytime nighties now! – and get through the struggle of
teeth brushing. Finally, it’s some snuggles in bed together while we read a few
books although lately Charli has preferred us to tell her stories from our
Once Charli is in bed Nic and I usually
have some work to finish. Nic does design work on the side and I also teach
Fashion at Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. I make this time feel more
special by setting myself up with some sparkling water and playing classical
music. We pack it in at 10 so we can have an hour to hang out together before
we go to bed.

Life is really full these days. There are
so many things to be thankful for. Parenthood has reignited my childlike
creative soul. What had become a dormant creative spirit after entering into
the work force, has been welcomed back and has greatly impacted my work. Charli
has reminded me that there is no right or wrong way to do something, my
admiration of her willingness to try, her altered my once crippling view of
perfection, and made me more accepting of failure, thus allowing me to be more
creative. From the moment my daughter arrived, I felt as though I could reach
any goal I desired and I started making choices that supported my true passion
and goals, without inhibition and insecurity. Within a year of having my
daughter, I was here, on my path to having the business I had always wanted.
Thank you Tabitha!
Shop - Faire Child
Instagram - @fairechild
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