
one pan dinners!

I love having people over for dinner and we get to do it quite a bit as a Pastor family, but it can still be a lot of work. Since our kids eat much earlier, usually cooking for company means cooking for four adults. To keep things simple, I always aim for a one pot or one pan dinner, but I still like it to be a little special. We do pizza often (see my recipe HERE), but recently we made this one pan salmon dinner and it was so good!

Preheat your oven to 375, wash and cut your veggies.

Choose veggies that will roast at a similar pace. I used asparagus and radishes because I only recently learned that they can be eaten roasted (I usually have them in salads and on veggie platters) so I was excited to try. Spoiler: it's my new favourite roasted vegetable!

On parchment paper, arrange veggies and a large piece of salmon. Cover salmon with pesto and drizzle veggies with salt, pepper, and olive oil. Bake/roast for 30 minutes, or until ready. Yay!

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