Hi there! My name is Katelin, but most of my friends call me Katie. I am a wife to my goofy husband, Jake, a new mom to our five month old son, Jude, a photographer, runner, and grateful friend. We live in Muskoka, Ontario, and wouldn't trade it for the world. Like most, every day is a bit different for us, but deep down I crave structure and routine.
photo by Evelyn Barkey Photography
If you know me, you know that I LOVE mornings. There's something about crawling out of bed while it's still dark, enjoying a hot cup of coffee, and getting a start to your day while it seems like the whole world is still sleeping that just fires me up. For me, most days begin before 6 am, ideally somewhere just after 5, occasionally just before. In the summer, this time gives me the chance to get a few miles in as the sun is coming up. We are blessed to live in 'cottage country', and some of the most beautiful sunrises I have ever seen have been on these runs.
In the winter, which lasts for about six months around here (I wish I was joking), very early, very dark mornings means heading to the gym. I have been going to the same one on and off for almost ten years - #smalltownlife - so seeing a familiar face is pretty much a guarantee. Usually, I'll jump in on a group class, or the odd time I'll tough it out on the treadmill. By 7 am, I know that the rest of the house is waking up and it's time to wrap up and head home.
In the winter, which lasts for about six months around here (I wish I was joking), very early, very dark mornings means heading to the gym. I have been going to the same one on and off for almost ten years - #smalltownlife - so seeing a familiar face is pretty much a guarantee. Usually, I'll jump in on a group class, or the odd time I'll tough it out on the treadmill. By 7 am, I know that the rest of the house is waking up and it's time to wrap up and head home.
Although I do love our morning rhythm, this is where our days start to look different. Typically, I will utilize this time to pick up around the house, text a friend, answer client emails, or do a devotional, depending on how the morning went. Currently, we are in a season where four of our closest couple friends also have two tiny babies, no more than three months apart, with a third on the way. This has been such a blessing to me as a mom. Even if we aren't able to spend every day together 'in the trenches' (although it often feels like we do!), just knowing that someone else is there with you, also keeping a tiny human fed, changed, and for the most part, content, is so reassuring.
By now, it's somewhere around 11 and I am reaching for lunch, or what feels like my third meal. Assuming our eternal winter hasn't started, it's also definitely time to get out of the house and shake off the crazies. Some days, this means an afternoon out with a mom friend. Other days, it's as simple as a walk around our 'hood, whiny baby and overly energetic dog in tow #keepingitreal. If I haven't gotten a run in at this point, I'll likely buckle Jude into our beloved jogging stroller (a totally sanity keeper for when either of us are feeling cooped up) before his afternoon nap.
With Jude down once again, I try to give this time to whatever demands my most undivided attention, whether it be more emails, a client gallery, our monthly budget, or a dear friend. A few hours later, Jude is awake, I have my third coffee in hand, and we are ready to tackle the last bit of the day before Jake is home from work.
Most weeks, evenings rotate between plans with friends, dinner with parents and siblings, time with our small group, or the odd work commitment for either of us. At least once a week, we try to stay home, eat dinner around the table, and enjoy some time as a family of three (four, if you count the dog). Having recently purchased a new home, this often means time spent on an ongoing project, or tackling one of the dozen boxes left to be unpacked in our garage.
Around 7, it's bedtime for Jude, which is hopefully quick and painless. By now, we are more than ready to wind down, whether it be by watching a show on Netflix together, or a book for me and emails for Jake (he somehow manages to find his work this relaxing). The odd night, I mange to convince Jake that we should most definitely watch a movie, which almost always ends in one or both of us being too tired to finish it. By 10, after a quick check on Jude and minor prep for the next day, we are all in bed, tiny dog included.
Regardless of the day, I am so incredibly thankful for this sweet life of mine. For our son Jude, who brings endless joy to our lives, for my hardworking, steadfast husband, for our nearby family, and for our undeniably close friends that I could not go a day without. Our days are full, and our life so far from perfect, but we are more than blessed to call it all our own.
Instagram - @katelinbarkey
Website - Katelin Barkey Photography
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