Does anyone else feel like February is hanging on for dear life, and that Spring will never come? Good, not just me! This month has felt really slow at times, and while I'm thankful we've all been perfectly healthy, unlike last February (Yay, flu shot!), I'm still struggling to be joyful sometimes. Short days, lots of cold and darkness (It was -35 last week! What!) make for lethargic and slow days, and I'm itching for the first signs of Spring.
That's one reason I like writing these little updates. Partly so I won't forget the little things - the mundane every day moments that make up our lives. But also, practically, to help me find the joy in these dark, snowy days. So here we go!
First, in family news... We have a niece! A cousin! Our first one!
My sister gave birth to a beautiful baby girl last week, named Addison Cameron, and we'll be meeting her for the first time this weekend! We are all overjoyed by Addison's arrival. Oli made her the cutest card and we mailed it, along with a Valentine from Lily. Oli keeps saying now he has three girls to take care of! Dying.
Last week, Lily was the ami vedette in her kindergarten class, which meant that she presented in front of her class every morning from a work book that we filled in together. She shared about her family, our life, her hopes and dreams, her likes and dislikes... all in French, and in front of a classroom of kids.
Just thinking about how far she's come since September brings tears to my eyes. She also wants me to write down that she has her first loose tooth. Which totally gives me the heebeegeebees! Loose teeth are the worst! But shes very excited about it, so we're trying to be less grossed out and more encouraging. When she told me about her tooth, she asked, "Mommy, does it make you sad? That I'm grown up enough to have a loose tooth? Soon I'll have my own kids, and I'll be like, 'bye!!!'". HAHAHA. I love that girl. And of course, she was right on the mark.
Oli is such a thinker these days! You'll find him teaching himself letters by copying the text on old recycled sermon notes of Brad's, or reading his Lego instructions (which he calls Constructions). He loves to write, and addressed 15 Valentines for all the kids at his playschool (even the ones who go on different days than him!) completely by himself. His writing is actually on par with Lily's! And he loves to draw maps and instructions for Lego things he'll later try to build.
It's crazy to me that a kid so eager to learn and so intellectual (can you even say intellectual without sounding like a total weirdo? I mean, he's four. I get that. But everyone who encounters him says the same!) won't be in school for another year and a half! Because of where his birthday lies, he won't start kindergarten until September 2017! But he is small for his age, and will be starting school in his second language, so I think the extra year will be good for him. Plus, more time with us!
Chloe is proving to be a late talker, like Lily was. But fortunately (sometimes unfortunately) for us, she's still very loud and clear with communicating. It's always weird disciplining a two year old and we are still trying to figure out what works and what doesn't with her. She's so strong willed, so bold and determined, but we need to remind her often that she's only two, and still needs to obey her parents!
ps - Still obsessed with penguins.
I'm reading a ton these days now that I have my KOBO e-reader. TV has totally lost it's allure! Aside from the occasional episode of The Office (which I was only really interested in after reading Mindy Kaling's books) I'm reading every night and loving it. I've read 50 hours since Christmas! Which I wouldn't know, except the e-reader keeps track, ha! I'm about a third of the way through my reading list for 2016, but have added a bunch of news books, too. I love that with the KOBO you can rent books from your library's e-book selection! In this weather, I have no desire to trek through the snow to the library, but I also don't want to buy books that I'll only read once. I've been checking out books from bed this month, you guys! Living large!
Brad and I have also gotten more intentional about date nights this month, which is nothing but wonderful. As a Valentines day gift to me, he presented me with an Excel document with very organized information - the best information for any mom - Babysitters he had booked every two weeks, through May! So now we have no excuse. Every two weeks, we'll be out of the house, just us two. We went out for beers and Ramen last week and next week we're going to the symphony! Can't wait to post about some of the budget-friendly ideas up our sleeves. I sure do love that bearded boy of mine.
That's one reason I like writing these little updates. Partly so I won't forget the little things - the mundane every day moments that make up our lives. But also, practically, to help me find the joy in these dark, snowy days. So here we go!
First, in family news... We have a niece! A cousin! Our first one!
My sister gave birth to a beautiful baby girl last week, named Addison Cameron, and we'll be meeting her for the first time this weekend! We are all overjoyed by Addison's arrival. Oli made her the cutest card and we mailed it, along with a Valentine from Lily. Oli keeps saying now he has three girls to take care of! Dying.
Last week, Lily was the ami vedette in her kindergarten class, which meant that she presented in front of her class every morning from a work book that we filled in together. She shared about her family, our life, her hopes and dreams, her likes and dislikes... all in French, and in front of a classroom of kids.
Just thinking about how far she's come since September brings tears to my eyes. She also wants me to write down that she has her first loose tooth. Which totally gives me the heebeegeebees! Loose teeth are the worst! But shes very excited about it, so we're trying to be less grossed out and more encouraging. When she told me about her tooth, she asked, "Mommy, does it make you sad? That I'm grown up enough to have a loose tooth? Soon I'll have my own kids, and I'll be like, 'bye!!!'". HAHAHA. I love that girl. And of course, she was right on the mark.
Oli is such a thinker these days! You'll find him teaching himself letters by copying the text on old recycled sermon notes of Brad's, or reading his Lego instructions (which he calls Constructions). He loves to write, and addressed 15 Valentines for all the kids at his playschool (even the ones who go on different days than him!) completely by himself. His writing is actually on par with Lily's! And he loves to draw maps and instructions for Lego things he'll later try to build.
It's crazy to me that a kid so eager to learn and so intellectual (can you even say intellectual without sounding like a total weirdo? I mean, he's four. I get that. But everyone who encounters him says the same!) won't be in school for another year and a half! Because of where his birthday lies, he won't start kindergarten until September 2017! But he is small for his age, and will be starting school in his second language, so I think the extra year will be good for him. Plus, more time with us!
Chloe is proving to be a late talker, like Lily was. But fortunately (sometimes unfortunately) for us, she's still very loud and clear with communicating. It's always weird disciplining a two year old and we are still trying to figure out what works and what doesn't with her. She's so strong willed, so bold and determined, but we need to remind her often that she's only two, and still needs to obey her parents!
ps - Still obsessed with penguins.
I'm reading a ton these days now that I have my KOBO e-reader. TV has totally lost it's allure! Aside from the occasional episode of The Office (which I was only really interested in after reading Mindy Kaling's books) I'm reading every night and loving it. I've read 50 hours since Christmas! Which I wouldn't know, except the e-reader keeps track, ha! I'm about a third of the way through my reading list for 2016, but have added a bunch of news books, too. I love that with the KOBO you can rent books from your library's e-book selection! In this weather, I have no desire to trek through the snow to the library, but I also don't want to buy books that I'll only read once. I've been checking out books from bed this month, you guys! Living large!
Brad and I have also gotten more intentional about date nights this month, which is nothing but wonderful. As a Valentines day gift to me, he presented me with an Excel document with very organized information - the best information for any mom - Babysitters he had booked every two weeks, through May! So now we have no excuse. Every two weeks, we'll be out of the house, just us two. We went out for beers and Ramen last week and next week we're going to the symphony! Can't wait to post about some of the budget-friendly ideas up our sleeves. I sure do love that bearded boy of mine.

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