Hey "Our Nest in the City" readers! My name is Brittany and I blog over at Celebrating Daily. I live in the Twin Cities, Minnesota and my husband and I have a little girl named Eowyn. Ben's a software developer and I'm a stay at home momma. Its an honor getting to guest post for Em while she and her family celebrate their new little life. Praying for all sorts of joy, magical sleep, and peace as new normals set in being a family of 5! Thanks for having me here today.
A Day in the Life:
I stay at home with my girl Eowyn during the week. Previously, I worked in a profession that required a lot of structure so I have a natural bend toward routine. As many of you moms know, however, some days are a hit or a miss. The day I decided to pick up my camera was a good day that left all of us feeling refreshed. It was a gift and I was happy to capture it. Here's a peak into what this day entailed.
Ben has to be doing overtime for his work, so this saturday morning it was just me and my girl. We warmed up some frozen pancakes and enjoyed ourselves. Eowyn has started laughing at everything which I'm totally into. She found me, her pancakes, and every other thing funny this morning.
After breakfast, we do as we always do and headed out for a walk. It was one of the last cool days we've had before the "dog days," so we were fortunate. This walk had a bit of a Fall-feel, which left me anticipating the chai lattes with pumpkin, the boots, and overall good things that always come with fall season in the Midwest. These walks have proved to be such a gift this summer. It gives me time to talk to Jesus and Eowyn to stare at squirrels. So, we both come home in a good mood.
Before her nap at 9:30, we play and read some favorites. Eowyn's a big fan of the touch and feel books. So, every morning we circulate through our handful of those. When we were done, it was time for a nap!
When Eowyn goes down for her nap, I've been trying to intentionally sit down and read off my bible app before getting to the other things I have for the day. Today, since it was Saturday, I wanted to spend some more time in this by continuing my reading of "Calm My Anxious Heart." It's a book that's been really doing me good-I've read it already a few times, but I always walk away with new things. I took time to write down some of the things that have been leaving my heart anxious lately and just in general talk to Christ about hurts, healing, what He's doing... This time spent ended up taking most of E's nap, but it was good for me.
So, around 11, I got her up to have some grub, and then we played till dad got home. When he arrived home (around 1:30) He and I ate together and rested while Eowyn took her second nap. After, we headed out to a Barnes and Noble date.
We've been budgeting and working at really sticking to it. We both were hankering for some coffee yet didn't have any more funds for coffee in our budget, so we emptied our piggy banks and found just enough to cover us both! It was fun giving the barista several quarters (he was amused.), and still getting some drinks for the bookstore.
Once home, Ben started dinner by making the Minneapolis-Famous "Juicy-Luicy." Basically its a burger with cheese INSIDE. This results in gooey cheese in every bite. We had it at one of the famous 'original places,' and have since had fun making it at home. Ben did a job well-done, it was amazing. Eowyn, as you can see, approved as well.
Then commences the evening to ourselves. Eowyn normally goes down by 7:30 which gives us a good chunk of evening time to spend together. How I love those evenings! Tonight we found a few new shows to watch on Hulu, while Ben uploaded some CD's onto our computer, and I wrote out our financial goals for the rest of our lives-yes, our lives. It felt kind of silly, but seeing projections for 2045 and beyond is super eye-opening. Granted, we may not even live that long-but we had a good conversation about it and it helped my resolve at avoiding the isles of target! We spent the rest of the evening watching Numb3rs (this mathy crime solving show I had never seen) and resting together.
Then right before bed, I snapped this picture. We took a good 20 just to get us with both our eyes opened, but here we are.
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