
mother mélange

So thanks to the wonders of scheduled blogging, I haven't written a blog post in, like, 2 weeks. Then yesterday I sat down and poured my thoughts out on a number of things, writing another 4 posts. Today I wasn't expecting to write again, heck, I don't need to for another week (for those of you wondering how a busy mama keeps up with daily posts, THAT is how), but then I remembered I have so much to share with you from two weeks of collecting and filtering my favourite posts. And the kids are sleeping later this morning, so why not give you one beast of a mélange post?
Apartment Therapy Tour
  • Lemon and Chia Seed pull-apart bread. WOW. I've heard great things about chia seeds, and this just looks amazing.
  • This is the attitude and perspective that I most want to have with my role + my children. I read this blog and she's so different than me it's not even funny. You name the category, and we're opposites, I assure you (except we both love our kids + Jesus). But I'm so inspired by her, so I need reading. Not comparing in a bad way, but in a healthy way. In a striving way. Like, please Lord, mature me into a mother like this some day.
  • Urban rooftop gardens. One thousand percent what I'm talking about.
  • Chocolate avocado cupcakes. MUST.

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