

We just finished our Canadian Thanksgiving meal here in NYC with Brad's high school buddy, Jake, and his wife, Hee Young. We ate two roasted chickens instead of a turkey since I don't think a turkey would fit in our oven here. Oh city living! This year Canadian Thanksgiving was a bit nontraditional since we're in the USA for it, but it was still memorable. We toasted Thanksgiving over mimosas at brunch this morning with a dear old friend of mine, Emily, and her boyfriend Don as they were also in NYC. Perfect timing. Two meals with two Canadian sets of friends, for Canadian Thanksgiving in New York. Now, onto this week's mélange of posts!
  • Have you ever made your own play dough? I want to try as soon as we get home!
  • here's a second recipe, just for good measure ;)
  • I'm convinced. I must make Lily and Oli a reading nook (read: tee pee) as their Christmas present. Matched with the huge bag of second hand books that I got this week for $12, I think it's a great gift for the holidays. 


  1. Anne Kerr7.10.12

    I was the play dough Mom when Maggie was in kindergarten. I had to make it every month. I probably still have the recipes.

  2. I've wanted to get the boys a teepee forever. Making it seems the way to go because buying is so expensive!

  3. Your link to my blog is giving me so much traffic (well, for me!). Hit my all-time highest number of views yesterday so thanks for the reference! :P
