what a beautiful weekend!
Brad and I headed up to Saint-Sauveur on Friday for a church leaders retreat and it was so wonderful. Retreat is definitely the right word.
Check our amazing digs:
definitely the main draw was the 2-story fire place!
...and the upper loft master bedroom where I took this photo from (that WE got since we were the only "family" there! score!)
Friday night just the church Leaders (Pastor Chris, Kamin, Andy, and Brad) met and then Saturday all the small group leaders and ministry coordinators met up with us for more time together.
I decided to join Brad Friday night and was so glad I did. I sat by the fire, cooked the guys dinner, read old magazines from the 90's, had a bath in our enormous bathroom with heated floors (bliss!), and took in the amazing scenery.

Lily was incredible during the trip. Though it helped that I had a dozen extra pairs of hands! She stuck to her sleeping/eating schedule, never woke during the night (rare when she's sleeping in a pack-n-play), and was over-the-moon content with her Jolly Jumper (the only "toy" we brought for her). Which has taught me that honestly, babies and kids don't need a ton of toys and general "stuff" to occupy themselves. I think often we jump the gun and provide babies with so many chew toys and plush toys, but at least with Lily, I've noticed she's just as happy with a plastic cup, her fist (for teething/chewing), or looking around the room from her perch in the Jolly or on her tummy on a blanket. Different babies and kids may react in different ways, but I'm noticing with Lily enough to repeat with future kids that less is more!
Can you blame her? If they had one of these for adults, I'd be in it daily.
It was really a perfect weekend. I'd say our relationships with church friends grew a lot deeper (something about sharing a roof will do that to you!), plus we got to watch the Habs beat Tampa Bay 4-2. What a game!!
It was such a beautiful place that Brad and I got to dreaming of returning to this place or another similar. For those wondering about doing that too, the Chalet we rented was only $400 for the whole weekend and had three bedrooms! Imagine sharing it with three families for a fun weekend? Loads cheaper than a Motel 6 and you can't even compare... Sarah Hau, I hope you're reading this and getting inspired for April!
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